Unawa’s Mission

We would like all our customers to savor our dishes.
When you visit Unawa, we sincerely want every customer to feel at ease.
We aim to provide dishes that you can enjoy with confidence.
It is with these sentiments that Unawa was born.
We will wholeheartedly welcome you without forgetting our gratitude.
Our restaurant has a modern Japanese ambiance and is equipped with private rooms, catering to groups, families, and individuals. Please try Unawa’s cuisine.

Mission with Eel

We always provide fresh eel.

 Thanks to the cooperation of central wholesale market we receive daily deliveries of live eel to ensure freshness.

Mission with Rice 

We polish the rice every day, only as much as we need, and cook it freshly and deliciously. 

We have a special contract with farmers in Nagano Prefecture to produce high-sugar rice thatcompliments eel, and we procure it in its brown rice form.

Mission with Sauce

An exceptional sauce crafted using traditional methods from days gone by. Although .

we are a young establishment, this sauce is the result of meticulous aging by a craftsman with forty years of experience in the field. It is a masterpiece that combines naturally fermented soy sauce aged in cedar barrels with old-fashioned soy sauce and the finest mirin, carefully matured with coarse sugar.